Vsphere Client Failed To Install Hcmon Driver Windows 10

I kept getting this error when I was installing the VMWare Remote Console:

  1. Vsphere Client Failed To Install Hcmon Driver Windows 10 32-bit
  2. Vsphere Client Failed To Install Hcmon Driver Windows 10 64-bit
  3. Vsphere Client Failed To Install Hcmon Driver Windows 10 Bootable
  4. Vsphere Client Failed To Install Hcmon Driver Windows 10 Pro

Failed to install the hcmon driver

Device drivers improve sound, graphics, networking, and storage performance. If you perform a custom VMware Tools installation or reinstallation, you can choose which drivers to install. The set of drivers that are installed when you install VMware Tools depends on the guest operating system and the VMware product. VSphere 6.5 GA: VMware-VMRC.exe – Failed to install hcmon driver. November 30, 2016 December 1, 2016 rdronov Leave a comment After upgrading the vCenter Server Appliance to version 6.5, I needed to install a new version of VMware Remote Console 9.0 on my Windows 10 machine.

Vsphere Client Failed To Install Hcmon Driver Windows 10

and then the installer would exit.

To get around this, I launched an elevated command prompt and executed the installer through the shell.

Search for cmd in your start menu and right click it.

Run as administrator. Accept the UAC prompt and change to the directory that has your VMRC installer.